What you'll find on Storybook Days

The Home page displays all my musings on life in Japan and a few other things (baseball and children's books are distinct possibilities). For highlights only: "A Day in the Life (edited)." "Tabemono (Food)" is exactly that. "Big in Japan" is my completely biased and oversimplified list of what is popular in Japan, and "Kimono Count" is a day-by-day record of the people I see in traditional dress. "Editor's Delight" catalogs the unintentionally amusing and apparently quite complicated world of Japanese-English translation. "Uncle Tucker" tracks our sightings of a certain cat following us around Japan.

Editor's Delight

Eye candy for editors:

Cleats with your hooka?

For those of you who have always suspected that Coco Chanel was God:

For lunch you may have A, B, or Profitable Set.  Obviously you should go with the Profitable Set.

Good thing I know a true value.

How do you like your bank?

Brilliant I tell you.  Absolutely brilliant.  Except that there is no spa.

Couldn't decide if this should be filed on this page or Big in Japan, so it's a two-fer.  (Extra points scored for the creative use of the asterisk.)  But why not "Enjoy your socks' style?"  I'd like to meet this Tutu Anna. She's got pizazz, and cute, frilly socks, too.