Breaking news: I've created a new tab on the blog: Tabemono (Food)
All my posts on Japanese food will live there. Here's the first...take a peek: Another Reason to Love NPR (and yes, Ira Glass, I'm a member)
What you'll find on Storybook Days
The Home page displays all my musings on life in Japan and a few other things (baseball and children's books are distinct possibilities). For highlights only: "A Day in the Life (edited)." "Tabemono (Food)" is exactly that. "Big in Japan" is my completely biased and oversimplified list of what is popular in Japan, and "Kimono Count" is a day-by-day record of the people I see in traditional dress. "Editor's Delight" catalogs the unintentionally amusing and apparently quite complicated world of Japanese-English translation. "Uncle Tucker" tracks our sightings of a certain cat following us around Japan.